This sketch is a parody of the real life courtroom show, Judge Judy. The sketch features a child plaintiff "suing" an adult defendant for petty incidents or even deserved punishments, such as a grounding, being told to please stop, an after-school detention given or any wrongdoings, whereas the child will have done something deserving of far worse punishment such as pushing the principal's car in a swimming pool, selling a house for a large amount of money to go to an expensive amusement park, painting the White House pink, putting glue on everything in the classroom, filling a house with water, releasing the zoo animals from their cages, or stealing a space shuttle. The adult defendant typically complains that Trudy is too young to be a judge, which angers Trudy even more. No matter how obvious it is that the child is guilty, Trudy always finds in favor of them and delivers ridiculous sentences to the adults (sometimes the adults would complain that they do not have the money to pay the fine), such as trapping parents in a rocket and sending them to space or awarding the children millions of dollars. The sketch almost always involves two cases, and at the end of each sketch, the Judge calls for the Dancing Lobsters to come out. The lobsters then proceed to dance in the courtroom, joined by the bailiff, the plaintiff, and the court audience. The sketch is similar to Judge Judy: both judges wear dainty lace collars, both have African American bailiffs; and both insult the defendants. The only difference is that Trudy treats defendants like criminals, while Judy, like most TV court judges, deals with small claims cases. Judge Trudy is played by Amanda Bynes and the Bailiff is played by comedian Gary Anthony Williams.
- (NOTE: In all segments that take place in the courtroom, Judge Trudy rules over two cases)
- The first case has plaintiff Curtis McPeen issuing a complaint against defendant Principal Thorn who made him stay after school for pushing his car into the swimming pool while studying flotation during science class. Claiming Curtis did it as a homework assignment for his science class, Judge Trudy finds in favor of the plaintiff and Principal Thorn ends up thrown in the leopard cage when he doesn't have $85,000 to pay the fine. The second case has an unnamed girl issuing a complaint against her parents after she played baseball in the house and her parents told her never to do it again. Upon hearing what the girl's parents did, Judge Trudy quickly says that what the parents did was unreasonable and declares that it's "time for butt-shutting", before pulling a lever and sending the parents down a trap door that was under them.
- The courtroom of Judge Trudy starts with the Halloween edition. The first case has plaintiff Shelly Barnes issuing a complaint against defendant Mrs. Shane who gave her an apple instead of candy when she was out trick or treating. Despite Mrs. Shane's insistence that fruit is healthier than candy, Judge Trudy retorts by saying that Mrs. Shane might as well have given Shelly a load of broccoli, finds in favor of the plaintiff and confiscates Mrs. Shane's dress when she doesn't have the fine money of $4.6 million. The second case has an unnamed kid issuing a complaint against a man who snapped at him and his friends for egging his house. Despite the man's insistence that the kid is a nasty hooligan, Judge Trudy dismisses his words by claiming that the kid egged his house because he was simply trying to make the man an omelet, finds in favor of the plaintiff and has the bailiff put the man over his shoulders and spin him around until he is very uncomfortable.
- The first case has plaintiff Jason Fima issuing a complaint against his parents, defendants Mr. and Mrs. Fima, who cut his allowance from $20 to $19 after he sold their house in order to raise money to go to Doozy Land (even taking 30 of his friends in a limousine). While the parents say they did this to save money to get another house, Judge Trudy declares that claim irrelevant, finds in favor of the plaintiff and sentences Mr. and Mrs. Fima to partake in a cage match against two professional wrestlers. The second case has plaintiff Amy Drummel issuing a complaint against the defendant, her mother, who sent her to her room when she refused to kiss her Aunt Sophie (who was also present in the courtroom's audience). Despite her mother insisting she didn't do anything wrong and should win this case, Judge Trudy refuses to listen and finds in favor of the plaintiff, before sentencing Mrs. Drummel to a week locked up in a box with two contagious sick people.
- Judge Trudy has a date with a her boyfriend Alex in a restaurant along with his parents David and Lorraine. This date soon turns into a case when Judge Trudy reveals that she isn’t pleased with the fact that last week, David and Lorraine grounded Alex when he "borrowed" their car and drove through a busy mall (which resulted in the destruction of Ambercrombie and most of Fitch); Alex's grounding disrupted Trudy's plans to go out with him. Judge Trudy finds this case in favor of Alex for $22,000. When the parents don't have the money for the fine, Judge Trudy has the bailiff pour a man's plate of lasagna down David's pants and then has the bailiff scream loudly in Lorraine's face.
- The first case has plaintiff Ross Appleton issuing a complaint against the defendant, a zookeeper, who kicked him out of the zoo after he released all the zoo animals from their cages enough for them to escape into the city (with some of the incidents including a hippopotamus crushing a taxi cab and a zebra peed on a taco stand). Claiming that Ross just thought that the animals needed a little exercise, Judge Trudy finds in favor of the plaintiff and orders the bailiff to put an angry chipmunk down the zookeeper's pants when he refuses to pay Ross the fine money of $22,000. The second case deals with plaintiff Loretta Stanton issuing a complaint against the defendant, her mother, who threw away her paints after she painted her face, hair and other parts all orange while she was taking a nap. Judge Trudy declares Mrs. Stanton's orange look an improvement, and after quickly arguing back and forth with Mrs. Stanton, telling her to "look", while Mrs. Stanton keeps shouting "no", Judge Trudy then presses a button, causing a large boulder to fall and crush Mrs. Stanton, telling her, "You should've looked", before finding in favor of the plaintiff and dismissing the case.
- The first case deals with plaintiff Marcus McOliver issuing a complaint against his dad, defendant Mr. McOliver, who told him to stop copying everything he says. Judge Trudy turns the tables on Mr. McOliver by also copying everything he says, before finding in favor of the plaintiff and having Mr. McOliver be chased by an unpredictable man in a gorilla suit. The second case deals with plaintiff Gordy Moller issuing a complaint against his teacher, defendant Miss Burkel, who gave him detention for gluing stuff to her body as part of his collage project. Judge Trudy shows no concern over Miss Burkel, allowing Gordy and the courtroom audience to point and laugh at her, finds in favor of the plaintiff and sells Miss Burkel to the highest bidder in her courtroom.
- The first case had Louis Holland issuing a complaint against his parents, defendants Mr. and Mrs. Holland, for taking the TV out of his room after he put itching powder in all their clothes (an incident which Judge Trudy finds funny), with the parents' constant itching causing Judge Trudy to have the bailiff handcuff them. Judge Trudy finds in favor of Louis and sentences Mr. and Mrs. Holland not only to give their son a new television, but also to play dodgeball with three bitter Marines despite the fact that they are handcuffed. The second case deals with plaintiff Nicky Poppadopolous issuing a complaint against his mother, defendant Polly, who asked him to turn his stereo down. Due the loud stereo damaging Polly's hearing, Judge Trudy had the bailiff interpret for her using a megaphone. Judge Trudy shows no concern over Polly's lack of hearing and finds in favor of the plaintiff, sentencing Polly to carry a very old woman piggyback for the next three years.
- Judge Trudy enrolls on the first day of school where she ends up in Miss. DeBoat's class. She objects to Miss. DeBoat's announcement of a pop quiz.. The rest of the students throw spitballs at Miss. Deboat but Judge Trudy orders them to stop when Miss. Deboat agrees not to hold a pop quiz. When a student named Rodney Rippy ends up dumping a huge bucket of oatmeal on Miss. DeBoat and she gives Rodney detention, Judge Trudy ends up initiating an emergency court session to deal with this. Judge Trudy dismisses Miss. DeBoat's claims of Rodney dumping oatmeal on her despite him admitting he accidently did it and agrees with Rodney that he did this because he thought it would be funny, before finding in favor of the plaintiff and sentencing Miss. DeBoat to go on a court-ordered romantic date with Janitor Jim, much to Miss. DeBoat's dismay.
- The first case deals with plaintiff Gerald Phillips issuing a complaint against the defendant, his female doctor, who gave him a shot in the butt. Gerald claims the doctor did this because she's evil, which the doctor tries to deny by saying that it was a measles shot that kids get so they don't get sick, but loses Judge Trudy's favor when the doctor admits she would give Judge Trudy a shot if she got sick. Judge Trudy finds in favor of the plaintiff and has the bailiff give the doctor herself a shot using a large needle. The second case deals with plaintiff Larry Traip issuing a complaint against the defendant, astronaut Commander Bright, who snapped at Larry (who's often mistaken for a girl due to his long hair) after he stole a $3,000,000 space shuttle and lost it. Judge Trudy doesn't see any problem that Larry took the space shuttle and accepts Larry's words that he didn't mean to lose it, before finding in favor of the plaintiff and sending Commander Bright on a rocket to spend three years on the planet Venus.
- The first case deals with plaintiff Jamie Biffle issuing a complaint against his mother, defendant Mrs. Biffle, who took away Jamie's allowance after he filled the entire house with water. Trying to visualize what Jamie did, Judge Trudy orders the bailiff to dump a bucket of water on Mrs. Biffle, but becomes annoyed at Mrs. Biffle being wet and warns that if she drips one more water drop on the floor, she’ll lose the case. When Mrs. Biffle fails to prevent a drop from falling into the floor, Judge Trudy finds in favor of the plaintiff and sentences Mrs. Biffle to wear a nest of deranged woodpeckers on her head. The second case deals with plaintiff Margie Finkus issuing a complaint against the defendants, two government agents, who snapped at her for painting the White House pink during a class trip to the White House. Judge Trudy forces the government agents to admit that it never occurred to them that Margie had a reason to paint the White House pink, a reason which Margie claims she just didn't think she'd get caught doing so, and finds in favor of the plaintiff, sentencing the government agents to be chewed upon by two hungry leprechauns.
- The first case deals with plaintiff Craig Fellharbor issuing a complaint against the defendant, his dad, who took away his computer after he shut down the entire Internet, which resulted in email breaking down, prisoners escaping from prison, wars breaking out, and the moon falling from the sky. Judge Trudy finds those incidents to not be an appropriate reason for Mr. Fellharbor taking Craig's computer away, and finds in favor of the plaintiff, having the bailiff handcuff Mr. Fellharbor to a sweaty opera singer. The second case deals with plaintiff Vicki Pundle issuing a complaint against her babysitter, defendant Ms. Wither, who made her take a bath after playing in the mud. When Miss. Wither insists that when children get dirty, they're supposed to get cleaned, Judge Trudy replies that when "blabbermouths" like Miss. Wither interrupt her, they lose cases, finding in favor of the plaintiff and having the bailiff place Miss. Wither into a bathtub filled with Cream of Mushroom soup.
- The answer Walter B. Tubbs to the question "who invented the bathtub?" was wrong, Tina was the correct person on that, however, Warren B. Tubbs was also wrong. The actual founder of the bathtub was John Michael Kohler.